I've got the last semester blues. Not the kind that are heart-wrenching cries of woe concerned with leaving the university where it allll begannnn... but more on the lines of, why didn't I study for 3 years and how do I fit everything I need to know now into just 5 courses! Ugh!
Managerial Accounting or Strategic Marketing?
What is up with majoring in something? I think I've majored in everything by accident, and no one even noticed.. not even me, till now! Matlab kay... koi help hee karday.
ho for marketing...as long as new products keep comin..we need ppl to market them...
and i guess new products wud always be comin up..as long as the world stands...
I don't know if I'm supposed to reply to this on my own blog or yours... but here goes...
Momekh (who's name I don't know yet): If I had all the money in the world, I'd make myself busy putting it to good use, that's what I'd do! Hah.. no more Mr. Nice Guy Reej... Ofcourse the first thing I would do would be to buy a 20GB iPod *sheepish smile*
I have a sister who is 13 years older than me.... she was 13 years old when it happened (:
Shani (who's name I do know now): Marketing it is then... lol and Photography instead of music cause the teacher just paani-phairofied over my plans of learning how to play the guitar by cancelling the course *grumble*grumble*
LOL, good one! hahaha 'That' time of the night is probably the best time to be discussing such things cause it's only at this time that they make sense ;)
There are no assumptions, there are only facts. I have a brother who was 11 when I was born, a sister who was 13... they were alive and very much aware of the planning that took place in those 9 months (: It's all good though.
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