I sometimes wonder... wouldn't life be so much better if we were still living in the yesterdays like our ancestors... our great - grandmoms and granddads... like our mothers and fathers? All these evils of society, this malicious gossip, these cheap forms of entertainment... this hatred among equals.... this hatred among the sexes... was it ever present in the old ages? If you sit down and really think about it... see back in the old ages, all men were alike...... they all shared the same common personality traits, the same moral values (with the exception of a selected few in the society that were considered abnormal because their personalities steered away from the general norms of the society). Similarly, all women were also alike... all were brought up to believe that they were inferior to men in some way... they were constantly reminded that they were to compromise in every situation to their patience's end.... especially when it came to their fathers, brothers and husbands. And then came around the issue of marriage...... very rarely did anyone ever have a choice... marriages were planned either at the birth time of boys and girls, through business relations or just old family ties or within families themselves....... errr... ok so maybe i shouldn't go SO far into the past :P hmmm khair, the fact of the matter issss... that marriages were mostly arranged. And even where they weren't... I can think of only VERY VERY rare cases where these marriages didn't work out... where these rishta's didn't break off due to insignificant causes such as incompatibility, on the basis of gossip or differences in opinions, thoughts and wavelengths of the two individuals involved. These days you see people making and breaking relationships as if they were mere TV serial episodes to last a half hour for one's own entertainment only... or for the entertainment of others in some cases. Everyone is of the stereotyped opinion that media, all-around-freedom and above all, education is what frees the mind.... that all these are what make the people of today so prosperous... so thriving. But aren't media, freedom and education what really caused us to become differing individuals with differing thoughts, morals, values and actions? And is all this 'difference' in each individual... that makes every female different from every other female, and every male different from every other male in terms of thinking, lifestyle, wants, needs, desires..... everything.... is this a vice or a virtue? One wonders..... aren't all these differences what cause the failed relationships... the broken marriages, the generation gaps... the gaps at individual levels...?
Vice......... *grin*............ but a very interesting one...... no?
i agree with u in all that.i 2 think past was better.our parents used to have better life.But they were unaware of themselves.
thank u... my point exactly
I somewhat agree....to an extent that innocence is what is being pointed out but how can innocence be defined if all innocent. Life was not better but easier in terms of thinking. Life is better now in terms of getting what you want....not what others want you to get.....
I think we r luckier in the sense we have more freedom. I agree life was simpler...people thought less and people did what they were told. I wouldn't call that better. I would much rather live like I am now. Also I don't agree with what you said about all men being alike and all women being alike. Read jane austen...it was a long time ago and everyone is so different.
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